Web 2.0

好久没有写点什么了。一是因为五月我是真的有天大事,无法分身,二是因为要写的东西也实在太多,很多在自己的notebook上画了思维导图以便于将来具体的去写一些想法。另外一个最主要的原因是对于这个烂Windows Live Spaces越来越不满,越做越烂,是不是做这个Spaces项目的人压根没想过这个项目能活过一年?有点想念之前的MSN Space,当时还是挺喜欢那个风格的。


很多时候,总是觉得需要一个什么工具能够让我整理和维护每一天的思绪和想法。这可能就是我们这些knowledge worker的追求。可能也是所谓的Web 2.0所要带给我们的。

什么是Web 2.0?可能没有人能准确的说出具体的定义,不过我们可以想象到一些我们正在使用的新玩意儿。Blog, Wiki, RSS, PodCast, P2P, Social Networking, Mash-ups, as well as AJAX.

可能你在不知不觉中就会感受到Web 2.0所带来的冲击和震撼。可能大家都有意无意的听到过豆瓣,你可以注册一个帐号来管理你所看过和将要看的书、电影和音乐。你标签的越多,豆瓣就会根据你的喜好和品味显示很多你将会感兴趣的书和影音。有点类似于之前的数据挖掘技术,现在可能被称为Social Computing。现代人可能没有太多的时间逛书店和网上商店去淘喜欢的书和影音,这时候Web 2.0的威力就发挥出来了。豆瓣可以帮你找到你所感兴趣的东西,甚至可以帮你结交有同样兴趣的朋友。大家可以尽情的去试试。

趋势放在眼前,我们无法预料最终谁会超越,甚至取代Google。但是我可以肯定的是,就在Web 2.0的生力军当中。

在此也给各位有兴趣的兄弟介绍几个Web 2.0标志性站点。

Web 2.0 Blogs


六月七日BEA在上海有关于Web 2.0的Roadshow,想去的可以去BEA的网站关注一下。好像是免费注册的。

以下是一些关于Web 2.0术语摘录

Blogs (short for Web logs) are online journals or diaries hosted on a Web site and often distributed to other sites or readers using RSS (see below).

Collective intelligence refers to any system that attempts to tap the expertise of a group rather than an individual to make decisions. Technologies that contribute to collective intelligence include collaborative publishing and common databases for sharing knowledge.

Mash-ups are aggregations of content from different online sources to create a new service. An example would be a program that pulls apartment listings from one site and displays them on a Google map to show where the apartments are located.

Peer-to-peer networking (sometimes called P2P) is a technique for efficiently sharing files (music, videos, or text) either over the Internet or within a closed set of users. Unlike the traditional method of storing a file on one machine—which can become a bottleneck if many people try to access it at once—P2P distributes files across many machines, often those of the users themselves. Some systems retrieve files by gathering and assembling pieces of them from many machines.

Podcasts are audio or video recordings—a multimedia form of a blog or other content. They are often distributed through an aggregator, such as iTunes.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) allows people to subscribe to online distributions of news, blogs, podcasts, or other information.

Social networking refers to systems that allow members of a specific site to learn about other members’ skills, talents, knowledge, or preferences. Commercial examples include Facebook and LinkedIn. Some companies use these systems internally to help identify experts.

Web services are software systems that make it easier for different systems to communicate with one another automatically in order to pass information or conduct transactions. For example, a retailer and supplier might use Web services to communicate over the Internet and automatically update each other’s inventory systems.

Wikis, such as Wikipedia, are systems for collaborative publishing. They allow many authors to contribute to an online document or discussion.